I am GREATLY indebited to James B Jordan BiblicalHorizons.com, Kenneth L Gentry https://www.kennethgentry.com and Ed Stevens preterist.org. Jordan for his chronology and the holy city vs great city distinction, land beast of Rev being Herod, the sea = Gentiles in Rev, and excellent logic and exegisis most everywhere else, and his reformed doctrine, Gentry for his excellent commentary on Revelation, Stevens for his pretersm, chronology of Bible books, cannonicity. Ed Stevens first broached the topic with me of the rapture happening in 66-67 AD, which has re-interpreted many passages of Scripture for me (e.g. "when that which is perfect has come ... tongues will be done away"). Naturally I dont agree with everything the three mentors teach, but in 90 % I do. Jordan is too much a spiritualizer in his interpretation of Daniel 9,12, and Revelation, and Gentry is not spiritualizer enough, he also is no replacement theologian (he still thinks the phony Jews of today are in some sense Gods chosen people), and Ed Stevens is a hyper-preterist (or he would say a consistent preterist). He believes that virtually ALL the bible was fulfilled by 70 AD, even great white throne judgment, the millennium, the marriage feast of the lamb, from what I can tell he believes that Christ will not come again, earth history will simply keep going on forever as we populate the universe. |