What to be doing now

Last modified 2024-06-10 ...................1 page

Take care of your own government first, i.e. self Govt.

Be Armed for Self Defense:

Luke 22:35 And he said unto them, When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, did you lack any thing? And they said, No, Nothing. 36 Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell even his cloak, and buy one.

Note, this will probably mean moving to a gun friendly state, like Wyoming, Idaho, Florida, Texas, Alaska. Pick one w. no state income tax, and low indebtedness to the Fed Govt, and with a climate you can enjoy. Get out of the big cities. they will be death traps once the SHTF, and gangs of looters roam the streets looking for food and water (the trucks will have stopped rolling and the grocery store shelves will be bare), if there is a false flag nuclear attack or EMP attack on our energy grid, by Israel, be assured the Zionist Occupied Govt. of the USA will say NOTHING about it, or will try to blame it on the good guys (local militia, Russia, Iran, local Muslim Terrorists, Right Wing Christians, etc.)

Work on improving your health now, while it is easy. This involves Fasting and changing your diet and exercise programs. Raw Fruits N Vegatables fresh from your own garden are best. Doing eye exercises to rid yourself of eyeglasses.

Being Spiritually ready for when the SHTF (fertilizer hits the fan). That means having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Making Him yoru Lord and Savior. Being assured of your place in Heaven after you die. Reading the Bible regularly to keep you encouraged. So you have Gods perspective on earthly matters, not the worlds or your neighbors perspective. Listen to NO Main Stream Media, instead listen to Brighteon.com HRR Mike Adams, StewPeters.com, Unz.com, RT.com, Rense.com, AlJazeera.com, LewRockwell.com etc.

Being Financially Ready. Move to a red state, look at gun laws, personal debt, state debt, avg temperature, how the state makes its money, tourism will die, raw materials will rise. How defensible is that state. How likely to secede. Water abundance? Wyoming looks awful good, except for its water situation. I wish I could say Get out of debt. but the reality is, with inflation running rampant and the dollar about to fail, the lenders are the losers and the borrowers are the winners. Buy Gold or Silver coin whenever you can afford it. As WW3 heats up, these will skyrocket in price. As our banks fail, you will wish you had very little in the banks. Have a bug out bag packed and a relationship w. a farmer already made who will let you park on his land in a SHTF event. Need to have a plan for getting water to drink, consider this map. https://www.tonymappedit.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/map-best-states-water-quality-usa.jpg

Naturally you will need a plan for food, and communications thru HAM or shortwave radio, and De-googled smart phone (see AbovePhone.com or if you dont mind stepping outside each time for a call, Sat123.com).

Get politically active in your church, city, county and lastly state. The National Govt. is toast. Totally controlled by the Talmudists, and globalists. Their plan is to destroy the country, so they can build back "better" Plan on secession. It is not the 1860's anymore. The balance of power has shifted. The Democrat States and woke Feds are growing weaker by the day. If you time your states secession with an international war that keeps the feds busy, you should be relatively left alone.

Support independent political parties and news media that keep you fed with the truth.