The 25 Points of the National Socialist Party

Last modified 2023-12-10 ....................... 5 pages

Where you see the word German or Germany just substitute USA

The Myth of German Villainy x William Bradbury

The 25 Points of the National Socialist Party

1) The unity of all German-speaking peoples in one country. (comment, not necessary to herd all english spealing peoples in the world into the USA, besides Canadians, Indians, UK'ers dont want that, anyway.')

2) The abolition of the Treaty of Versailles. (comment, out dated, but you could sub in the UN, or leave the UN in place but clean it up of all Jews and Marxists. This was the equivalent of saying, that the trillions in war debt laid upon Germany were dis-avowed in one stroke. It would be like the USA saying, we no longer owe our national debt to the talmudic Jews who are the private stockholders in the Fed.)

3) Land and colonies to feed Germany's population (Lebensraum). (comment, not necessary, USA can feed itself, and colonies are like slaves, God requires you to educate them and release them with property after 7 years, [figuratively speaking w. colonies] so they can be independent, on their own.)

4) Only Germans can be citizens. No Jew can be a German citizen.

5) People in Germany who are not citizens, i.e., Jews, must obey special laws for foreigners. (i.e. like not allowed in media, theatre, government, banking, etc.)

6) Only German citizens can vote, be employed or hold public office. (i.e. Jews not allowed in government)

7) Citizens, ie., ethnic Germans, are entitled to a job and a decent standard of living. If this cannot be achieved, foreigners (with no rights as citizens) should be expelled. (This was not a problem in Germany after say 1935 when the economy was so prosperous Germany NEEDED foreign labor to man its factories. Same way with the USA today. Where would we be with out Hispanic workers doing our lawn care, roofing, ironwork, agriculture, all manual labor? Whites and blacks dont want those jobs, and especially since COVID none of the young want to work, going on un-employment is easier)

8) No further immigration of non-Germans must be allowed. All non-German foreigners (which included the Jews) who have come to Germany since 1914 must be expelled. (comment, change this to say "no further illegal immigration must be allowed. the USA still needs and wants qualified immigrants")

9) All citizens have equal rights and duties.

10) The first duty of a citizen is to work. All payments to unemployed people should end.

11) All profits made by profiteers during the war must be confiscated (A swipe at the Jews, and in our case the MIC = Military Industrial Complex)

12) Nationalization of trusts. (Meaning, the big international banks)

13) Large companies must institute profit sharing plans with their employees.

14) Old age pensions must be increased.

15) Public help for small businesses;

16) large department stores must be closed down (Another swipe at the Jews). Comment, cant do this one either, but store chains with UnAmerican or UnChristian policies, not shut down, but exposed, so Christians know where NOT to shop.

17) Property reform to give small farmers their land.

18) An all-out battle against criminals, profiteers, etc., who must be punished by death. (too harsh for America today, just fine em, jail em, maybe execute the few worst ones)

19) Reform of the law to make it more German. (make it more Christian, for America)

20) Improve education so that all Germans can get a job. (Most college is a waste of time. Get them out in the work force right after High School.)

21) Improve people’s health by making a law for people to participate in sports. comment: cant really REQUIRE people to play sports, but could pass govt incentives for them to keep up their health by good diet and exercise, and playing sports could be a component of that.

22) Abolition of the professional Army, and a new People’s Army in its place. comment: this did not work in Germany and would not work in America today. Too many hostile countries w. professional armies against us. But it is a worthy goal to work towards, no standing army, just a citizen militia, but first the Biblical WHEN A MANS WAYS ARE PLEASING TO THE LORD, HE MAKES EVEN HIS ENEMIES TO BE AT PEACE WITH HIM. This is just the opposite policy of bully, regime changing, CIA-Mossad de-stabilizing foreign govts, assassinating populist leaders, fomenting "color" revolutions like Maidan Revolution of 2014 in Ukraine America today. Just Gotta make an enemy out of Russia, at all costs. Wipe out that Christian Nation, bring all its resources under the heel of International Jewry, like we did to South Africa. Replace all those Christian Whites in govt, with tribesmen.

23) German newspapers must be free of foreign (Jewish) influence.

24) Freedom of religion. comment: only limited freedom. Still need the Christian framework, love thy neighbor as thyself, No people will be allowed to violate Moses commandments, 4-10, and some inherently hateful and hostile religions should be outlawed, e.g. satanism, talmudic Jewry, etc.

25) Strong central government with unrestricted authority. comment: unrestricted authority will never work with Americans, and strong central govts are good when they are righteous, but they are bad when taken over by Jewry, like we have today. So checks and balances on a strong central govt. are here to stay for quite a while.

What economic policies implemented in the 30's by the National Socialist Party prospered Germany

To be continued. I suggest you read Hitlers Revolution by Richard Tedor, and Hitler Democrat by Leon DeGrelle. Currently all available off but Try or