Hitler, the good, and the bad

"It was untrue that I or anyone else in Germany wanted this war. Instead it was started by Jewish financial interests."
"This war has ruined all my plans" quotes by Adolf Hiter.

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler but you have to discount all the Racist logic in here, there is nothing racially inferior about the Jews, for they are not a race, they are a Religion (you can convert to Judaism, but you cannot convert to a race).

Germanys War by John Wear www.AmericanFreePress.net
Hitler Democrat by Leon DeGrelle amazon.com
Hitlers Revolution by Richard Tedor amazon.com
The Myth of German Villany by Benton L Bradbury www.authorhouse.com
The Nameless War by Archibald Ramsay
See www.moonrocksbooks.com for more excellent books, just please ignore their evolution dateline (ie. that the earth is over 10k years old, I hope you are a young earther like me, and ignore their sometimes anti-christian bias in some books. But the history is excellent.)

Church of Spies by Mark Riebling Amazon.com or Basic Books

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